Kim’s Army Facing Big Casualties in Kursk? Kyiv Says Russia “Burning Faces” of Dead North Korean Men

Ukrainian President Zelensky released a video accusing Russian soldiers of burning the faces of dead North Korean troops. Zelensky claimed that North Korean troops faces were burnt to hide their identities before burial in Russia’s Kursk region. Zelensky claimed that after the first combat with Ukrainian forces, the Russian army “burnt the faces of North Korean soldiers killed in the battle.” “Even after years of war, when we thought the Russians could not get any more cynical, we see something even worse,” Zelensky said. 00:00 – INTRODUCTION 02:20 – UKRAINE SAYS 30 NORTH KOREAN SOLDIERS KILLED IN KURSK03:55 – US CLAIMS ‘SEVERAL HUNDRED’ NORTH KOREA CASUALTIES IN KURSK04:50 – RUSSIA CLAIMS TWO MORE VILLAGES IN EAST UKRAINE05:45 – RUSSIAN SAYS UKRAINE DROPPED WHITE PHOSPHORUS FROM DRONESn18oc_world n18oc_crux