Israel Says Troop Presence in Syria ‘Temporary’ As IDF Opens ‘Fourth Front’ After Assad’s Fall

Israel says it has launched strikes on Syria to prevent hostile actors from taking control of Assad regime’s chemical and other weapons. Israeli foreign minister Gideon Saar said Israel had troops deployed to critical points across Syrian territory as a “temporary security measure.” The new Israeli deployment includes the summit of Mount Hermon and areas beyond the Golan Heights buffer zone. These operations were executed without resistance following the hasty retreat of Assad’s forces in the wake of a rebel offensive . The Israeli Defence Forces emphasised that its ongoing strikes in Syria are designed to remove immediate threats to Israel. n18oc_world n18oc_crux0:00 INTRODUCTION3:14 KATZ ORDERS IDF TO CREATE “SECURITY ZONE”5:22 “WE ARE ENGAGED ON FOUR FRONTS”