IDF Says Cpt. Omer Neutra Was Killed On Oct. 7 | Israeli Min ‘Wants Netanyahu Ousted’ | Gaza Truce

The Israeli military on Dec. 2 announced that an American-Israeli soldier who was believed to have been captured alive by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023 was killed that day. The Israel Defence Forces said that Capt. Omer Neutra’s body was taken by the Palestinian armed group to Gaza. In a statement announcing the death, the military did not say how it came to the conclusion over Neutra’s fate. However, a report by The Jerusalem Post claimed that “new intelligence information allowed a special military commission of rabbis, and others to finally confirm his death.” He was one of seven American Israelis held in Gaza, four of whom are now said to be dead. 00:00 – INTRODUCTION MAJORITY OF ISRAELIS BACK HOSTAGE DEAL TO END GAZA WARUNRWA STOPS AID DELIVERY VIA KEY GAZA-ISRAEL CROSSINGn18oc_world n18oc_crux